What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like?

What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? – Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other’s independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions. If or when a relationship ends, there is no stalking or refusal to let the other partner go.

Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

  • Respect for privacy and space. You don’t have to be with your partner 24/7.
  • Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy.
  • You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner.
  • Your feel physically safe and your partner doesn’t force you to have sex or to do things that make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Your partner respects your wishes and feelings and you can compromise and negotiate when there are disagreements or conflicts.

The foundation of a healthy relationship includes:

  • Boundaries: You and your partner are able to find ways to meet each other’s’ needs in ways that you both feel comfortable with.
  • Communication: You and your partner can share your feelings, even when you don’t agree, in a way that makes the other person feel safe, heard, and not judged.
  • Trust: Building trust can take time and allows couples to be vulnerable with one another knowing that they can rely on the other person.
  • Consent: Most commonly used when you’re being sexually active, giving consent means that you are okay with what is happening, and that no one is forcing you or guilting you into doing anything that you don’t want to do. Consent can be given and taken back at any time, and giving consent once does not mean you automatically give consent in the future.

See how these things go hand in hand by exploring the other sections to your left.

Please keep in mind that in some abusive relationships, trying to enforce boundaries, honest communication, trust, and other healthy behaviors could put your safety at risk. Remember, abuse is about power and control and someone who is abusive might not want to give up their control over you.

Be careful. If you feel like someone is disrespecting you or is being abusive, check out the “Get Help” section. You’re not alone.



Get to Know the Signs of a Trust Issue and How to Overcome It

Salvabrani.com – Trust issue is a term to describe the feeling of difficulty trusting other people. This can be influenced by several factors, such as trauma or bad experiences in the past, unfavorable relationships with loved ones, or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).


Basically, distrust of other people is normal as long as it doesn’t happen continuously. However, this should be watched out for when these conditions begin to affect quality of life and hinder daily activities.


Let’s look at the following article to understand more about what is meant by a trust issue and how to overcome it.


What are Trust Issues?

Trust issue is a person’s tendency not to trust the people around him. This condition can be shown in various forms of attitude and behavior. Not only always in terms of romance, trust issues can also be related to friendships, family, to the work environment.


People who have a trust issue mean that they don’t easily believe what other people say, and often even feel suspicious that other people approach them because they have a specific purpose. That is why most people with trust issues feel uncomfortable when interacting or relating to other people. They tend to stay away from other people, especially when they feel their relationship is getting closer.


Causes of Trust Issues

Trust issues can be influenced by various factors, such as being betrayed, bad experiences in the past, parenting styles, and so on. The following is an explanation of each.



Everyone has a different experience of betrayal, it could be cheated on, rejected, or lied to. In fact, this betrayal is often accompanied by manipulation to violence. Whatever it is, the experience is certainly so painful that it makes it difficult for someone to trust their new partner or relationship in the future.



Some bad experiences in the past such as accidents, victims of theft, violence, and the loss of loved ones can also cause a person to have trust issues. This may occur as a result of worrying about experiencing the same pain.



Trust issues can also be influenced by parenting styles. Children who are raised in families with parental conflict tend to have a low level of trust in other people, and in some cases this condition can even continue into adulthood.



A social environment that makes a person feel that they are always being rejected, ostracized, or even bullied has a high risk of making that person have a trust issue. People who experience this will always feel insecure so it is difficult to get close to and trust other people, even if people are from different environments.


Basically, trust issues are not a mental disorder. Even so, this condition can appear as a symptom of certain mental health problems. Some of the conditions that can cause a person to have a trust issue are:

Get to Know the Signs of a Trust Issue and How to Overcome It

Anxiety disorder.
Psychotic disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trust Issue Signs

Apart from having difficulty placing trust in other people, the signs that are commonly experienced by owners of trust issues are:


Easily jealous to the point of fear of being abandoned.
Constantly feeling suspicious.
Always assume bad things about others.
Always keep your distance from other people.
It’s hard to forgive and forget other people’s mistakes.
Having excessive worry when in a relationship.

The behaviors above ultimately make people with trust issues become more introverted individuals and tend to isolate themselves, making them feel lonely. In the long term, this will certainly affect the quality of life.


How to Overcome Trust Issues

Trust is one of the important keys in a relationship, be it with family, friends, or partner. To prevent the bad effects of a trust issue in the long term, here are some ways to overcome them.



Before building trust in other people, basically you have to learn to believe in yourself first. Low self-confidence can often be the beginning of a person’s feelings of despair in the process, which can then develop and lead to a condition of trust issues.



One of the most effective ways to deal with trust issues is to slowly build trust in other people, such as friends, family, and partners.


It is true that this is not easy to do, especially in such a short time. But you can learn to trust other people by starting to forgive their mistakes and accept the good things they give. That way, trust will grow by itself slowly.



Lack of communication can also trigger trust issues. Therefore, try to discuss the concerns that you have felt so far, including what made you have a trust issue. That way, other people will understand, so that the relationship that exists will also be healthier.



If you have difficulty eliminating the trust issue, then consulting directly with a psychologist or psychiatrist is the best way to do it.