10 Different Types Of Relationships And How To Know Which You’re In

10 Different Types Of Relationships And How To Know Which You’re In – There are many different types of relationships. No two relationships look the same, but sometimes, labels and categories can help us understand better.

Your connection with your partner is probably not the same as anyone else’s. However, it can be useful to understand the dynamics between you and why your boundaries are the way that they are.

Just as there are different types of couples, there are many different types of relationships between humans.

Basic Types of Relationships

There are four basic types of relationships:

Family relationships
Romantic relationships
Then there are also several sub-categories within those main four, including professional/work relationships, teacher/student relationships, community or group relationships, place- or location-based relationships (neighbors, roommates, and landlord/tenant relationships), enemies/rivals, and relationships with self.

The type of romantic relationship you are in depends on many things — the people in it, your experiences so far, your characteristics, etc.

This list of 11 different types of romantic relationships can help you understand more about which kind you’re in.

Independent Relationships

Being independent is not bad for you. However, being in a serious relationship requires compromise and sacrifice. Independence is not the quality that you are looking to show off.

Sure, you and your partner need to be independent up to a certain level that allows you both to function without each other, but total independence in the relationship is never a good sign.

Codependent Relationships

In a codependent relationship, you and your partner can’t seem to function without each other. As mentioned before, independence is a quality that everyone should possess.

Not being able to stay away from your partner can cause problems in the other areas of your life, like your social life and your relationships with your friends and family.

There are many forms codependent relationships can take, but the primary factor that distinguishes a healthy interdependent relationship, in which two people can rely upon each other without sacrificing themselves, from a toxic codependent relationship is the degree of balance between partners when it comes to needing and supporting or giving and taking.

It should be noted that there is a marked lack of agreement as to what constitutes a codependent relationship[1], so determining whether or not any given relationship is or is not truly codependent remains is highly subjective.

Dominant/Submissive Relationships
A relationship where you control your partner or they control you is only a good thing in the context of consensual BDSM style relationships.

Outside of the bedroom, this type of dynamic may indicate a lack of independence, understanding, and trust, but not necessarily.

Open Relationships

Open relationships, sometimes referred to a consensually non-monogamous relationships, are those in which one or both partners are “allowed” to be romantically and/or sexually involved with other people outside of the relationship.

There are many consenting adults in open relationships, and studies have found there can be significant benefits, including increased satisfaction in couples with issues related to sexual Incompatibilities[2].

The key is to have the consent of both partners and to remain transparent with one another about potential jealousies.

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10 Different Types Of Relationships And How To Know Which You’re In

Changing Relationships

Couples in changing relationships may adjust to each other by changing their routines, interests, style, hobbies, and even friends. In simple words, they change themselves for their partner.

No two people on Earth are the same, which means all relationships require compromise and acceptance. It should not be necessary to change your entire personality just for another person to stay with you.

Toxic Relationships
There is no one definition of what makes a relationship toxic, but generally, while not necessarily abusive, a relationship that makes you feel worse more than it makes you feel better[Scott, E. What Is a Toxic Relationship? Verywellmind. July 2, 2020 may be considered potential harmful to your well-being.

Determining whether or not you are in a toxic relationship is very much about how you feel about yourself within that relationship.

Do you feel controlled? Do you feel valued and heard? Are you being abused, either emotionally or physically?

Casual Relationships
A casual, “just for now” relationship consists of two people who are not looking for anything serious.

They may be looking for a fun temporary partner, possibly while healing from the end of a long-term relationship, or they may just be at a point in their lives where they don’t want to have to focus on the needs or wants of another person in a romantic context.

Best Friends Relationships
These are relationships in which both partners are comfortable talking and connecting, but there is a lack of intimacy.

Sex is an important part intimate relationships, and a relationship without it may suffer unless the lack is something that can be genuinely accepted and tolerated by both partners or an understanding is reached that one partner is free to find satisfaction in that area with others.

Sexual Relationships

Sexual relationships consists of two people who are looking for sexual satisfaction and nothing deeper.

While there is typically little or no place for deeper connection within these relationships, there are many people who start out in a sexual relationship, find themselves attached to one another, and are then able to create a meaningful bond.

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are those in which partners live a significant enough distance from one another that they cannot be together physically without expense, planning, or inconvenience.

While it was once considered common knowledge that most long distance relationships were doomed to fail due to the inherent lack of consistency and inability to communicate regularly, recent studies show a far rosier picture.

One 2014 study[3] found that couples in long-distance relationships “are not at a disadvantage,” and another from 2012[4] found that people in long-distance relationships report “higher levels of relationship quality on a number of relationship quality variables, as well as higher levels of dedication to their relationships and lower levels of feeling trapped.”

Healthy Relationships

While no relationship is picture-perfect at all times, healthy relationships are based on understanding, trust, and true love. These relationships consist of two people who support one another with mutual love and respect.

As opposed to toxic relationships, healthy relationships are those that are mutually beneficial and provide value added to each person’s life.

Scientific research has found that there are a vast number of benefits to reaped by people in healthy relationships, including an increased lifespan[5], lower levels of stress[6], greater pain tolerance[7], and improved immunity[8].

Before entering a relationship of any type, it’s important that you first get to know yourself and your potential partner.

Being in a relationship isn’t always easy, and not everyone is as ready as they seem to be or think they are.

Terms That Describe Intimate Relationship Types and Dynamics

Why does it matter?

Relationships are a big part of life.

Terms That Describe Intimate Relationship Types and Dynamics – Whether it’s family or friends, acquaintances or lovers, folks online or IRL, or anything and everything in between, it can be challenging to find the right words to discuss different relationship roles and dynamics.

Terms A to C


In the context of relationships, accepting refers to the act of learning to embrace your partner(s) for who they are — including their traits, behaviors, and needs — at the present moment and as they shift over time.

The process of genuinely accepting your partner involves reflecting on your potential tendency to change, judge, or become easily irritated by aspects of who they are or how they behave.


Active and passive describes a power dynamic frequently observed between partners in relationships and families.

An active/passive dynamic can appear in many areas of the relationship. For example:

  • household chores
  • initiating foreplay or sex
  • having difficult conversations
  • taking on financial responsibilities
  • prioritizing health and well-being

Typically, the person who takes the initiative or makes a decision in the situation is considered the active person.

The person who remains unresponsive, disengaged, apathetic, or overpowered (physically or emotionally) is the passive person.


This word and category describe those who experience sexual attraction.

Use of this term helps normalize the experience of being asexual and provides a more specific label to describe those who aren’t part of the asexual community.


Asexual identity or orientation includes individuals who experience little or no sexual attraction to others of any gender.

Asexual can also refer to the spectrum of asexuality that includes a number of other sexual and romantic identities that describe those who experience little sexual attraction or none at all.


A balanced relationship is one where there are equal and healthy amounts of giving and taking.

Considering the amount of affection, energy, love, and support you give and receive in a relationship is a good way to assess which areas feel balanced, and which areas could use more attention or intention.

What balance looks like in each relationship may be different, and is dependent upon each person involved feeling valued, respected, and getting their needs met.

Basically or close friends

These terms describe a platonic bond that most often exists between two friends that have a great deal of love, care, and nonromantic affection for one another.

These types of relationships can often resemble sexual or romantic relationships in terms of time spent, care, and commitment, but often don’t include the sexual or romantic elements.

Platonic relationships between close friends frequently involve flirtation, admiration, and commitment, but don’t indicate anything about any party’s sexual or romantic attraction or preferences.


This describes a type of relationship that is not yet defined or labeled and often requires less commitment than relationships that are formal, or not casual.

Given the somewhat vague nature of the word, it’s hard to know exactly what someone means when they describe a relationship this way.

The meaning and expectations attached to casual relationships can vary greatly from person to person.

For example, some casual relationships are sexual, while others aren’t.

It’s important to speak with friends and partners about how you define a casual relationship to ensure you’re on the same page and can respect one another’s needs and boundaries.

Changing or working hard

These terms refer to the act of putting energy into shifting aspects of the relationship or individual involved in the relationship.

This “work” is often rooted in the desire for improvement or increased happiness in the relationship.

While changing or working hard in a relationship can be a sign of commitment, it can also be a sign of incompatibility or that one person is not getting their emotional or physical needs met.

Civil union

Also known as a civil partnership, civil union refers to the legally binding union between two parties.

This type of legally recognized partnership only provides state-level legal protections and privileges.

The terms associated with civil unions vary from state to state and don’t afford people the same federal protections and benefits as marriage does.

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Terms That Describe Intimate Relationship Types and Dynamics


This is a relationship dynamic that lacks the emotional and physical boundaries that are necessary to have a healthy and respectful relationship long-term relationship.

Though the term codependent is sometimes used to describe people or personal traits, it more accurately captures behaviors, actions, or tendencies.

Codependency can take different forms, but some signs are:

  • taking on your partners’ issues
  • taking care of them, sometimes at the cost of not caring for yourself
  • losing touch with who you are as an independent person
  • lacking your own relationships
  • putting your partner’s needs before your own


This refers to the act of living in the same household as someone you’re in a relationship with.

Partners can make the decision to cohabitate in any stage of a relationship, and for a variety of reasons that might be connected to:

  • the stage of the relationship
  • personal values
  • financial benefits
  • convenience
  • practicality

Different people attach different values and assumptions to taking the step to cohabitate, so it’s important to speak openly about what this step means in the context of your relationship(s).


This describes a relationship that includes intention and accountability, with regard to:

  • time spent
  • level of prioritization
  • desire to work through conflict
  • openness to a future or long-term engagement
  • dedication to meeting one another’s needs


This term describes the period of time before two people formally engage in a relationship that involves a long-term commitment to a future together.

The values and intentions ascribed to a given courtship can change from person to person, culture to culture, and relationship to relationship.

Terms D to K


This is the act of participating in a shared activity with the intention of spending time with or getting to know someone.

Dating, or going on a date, is often a first step in exploring a platonic, romantic, or sexual interest or attraction to someone.

The expectations associated with dating can change from person to person and culture to culture.

Speaking about what dating means to you can help foster communication, honesty, and trust in the early stages of getting to know someone you’re platonically, romantically, or sexually interested in or attracted to.


In the context of a relationship, disconnected refers to distant feelings or a lack of emotional connection.

Emotional disconnection is often a result of one or more of the following:

  • not getting your needs met
  • looking for someone outside the relationship to meet those needs
  • lack of communication
  • incompatibility


Dominating, or dominant, can be used to describe traits associated with a person or a relationship dynamic.

Often viewed in opposition to “submissive,” dominating refers to the act of asserting physical, sexual, emotional, financial, or psychological control in a relationship, situation, or particular interaction.

When a person or relationship dynamic has dominating qualities, it can cause a temporary or ongoing power imbalance in a relationship.

For some, this shift in power is a positive thing and contributes to aspects of compatibility and attraction.

For others, this shift can be experienced as threatening, disrespectful, or nonconsensual.

Discussing your observations about dominance and dominating traits in a relationship can help you and your partners approach power dynamics with honesty and intention, while also providing you with a deeper understanding of the role this power dynamic plays in your relationship.

Domestic partnership

This describes a type of relationship that involves two people who are cohabitating and in a relationship with one another but aren’t legally married.

Although domestic partnership is a legal status, it doesn’t provide the same benefits, rights, or privileges as civil unions or marriages.


This refers to the period of time in a relationship before a formal, legal, or ceremonial commitment, but after the parties involved agree to this future commitment.

Some people associate engagement with a proposal from one person to another or giving the gift of a ring, while others may not attach a particular action, item, or tradition to entering this stage of a relationship.

Friends with benefits

This term describes a relationship that includes elements of friendship, with the addition of another relationship dynamic, often romantic or sexual attraction.

The particular benefits that come in addition to friendship is determined by each person involved and can vary from relationship to relationship.

Some people use the term to communicate their desire to keep things casual or have the opportunity to see other people.

Others use this term to indicate that they want the relationship to resemble that of a friendship but have the benefit of sex or physical intimacy.