How to Have a Better Relationship – Can you spot a good relationship? Of course nobody knows what really goes on between any couple, but decades of scientific research into love, sex and relationships have taught us that a number of behaviors can predict when a couple is on solid ground or headed for troubled waters. Good relationships don’t happen overnight. They take commitment, compromise, forgiveness and most of all — effort. Keep reading for the latest in relationship science, fun quizzes and helpful tips to help you build a stronger bond with your partner.

Love and Romance

Falling in love is the easy part. The challenge for couples is how to rekindle the fires of romance from time to time and cultivate the mature, trusting love that is the hallmark of a lasting relationship.

What’s Your Love Style?

When you say “I love you,” what do you mean?

Terry Hatkoff, a California State University sociologist, has created a love scale that identifies six distinct types of love found in our closest relationships.

Romantic: Based on passion and sexual attraction
Best Friends: Fondness and deep affection
Logical: Practical feelings based on shared values, financial goals, religion etc.
Playful: Feelings evoked by flirtation or feeling challenged
Possessive: Jealousy and obsession
Unselfish: Nurturing, kindness, and sacrifice
Researchers have found that the love we feel in our most committed relationships is typically a combination of two or three different forms of love. But often, two people in the same relationship can have very different versions of how they define love. Dr. Hatkoff gives the example of a man and woman having dinner. The waiter flirts with the woman, but the husband doesn’t seem to notice, and talks about changing the oil in her car. The wife is upset her husband isn’t jealous. The husband feels his extra work isn’t appreciated.

What does this have to do with love? The man and woman each define love differently. For him, love is practical, and is best shown by supportive gestures like car maintenance. For her, love is possessive, and a jealous response by her husband makes her feel valued.

Understanding what makes your partner feel loved can help you navigate conflict and put romance back into your relationship. You and your partner can take the Love Style quiz from Dr. Hatkoff and find out how each of you defines love. If you learn your partner tends toward jealousy, make sure you notice when someone is flirting with him or her. If your partner is practical in love, notice the many small ways he or she shows love by taking care of everyday needs.

Reignite Romance

Romantic love has been called a “natural addiction” because it activates the brain’s reward center — notably the dopamine pathways associated with drug addiction, alcohol and gambling. But those same pathways are also associated with novelty, energy, focus, learning, motivation, ecstasy and craving. No wonder we feel so energized and motivated when we fall in love!

But we all know that romantic, passionate love fades a bit over time, and (we hope) matures into a more contented form of committed love. Even so, many couples long to rekindle the sparks of early courtship. But is it possible?

The relationship researcher Arthur Aron, a psychology professor who directs the Interpersonal Relationships Laboratory at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, has found a way. The secret? Do something new and different — and make sure you do it together. New experiences activate the brain’s reward system, flooding it with dopamine and norepinephrine. These are the same brain circuits that are ignited in early romantic love. Whether you take a pottery class or go on a white-water rafting trip, activating your dopamine systems while you are together can help bring back the excitement you felt on your first date. In studies of couples, Dr. Aron has found that partners who regularly share new experiences report greater boosts in marital happiness than those who simply share pleasant but familiar experiences.

How to Have a Better Relationship

Diagnose Your Passion Level

The psychology professor Elaine Hatfield has suggested that the love we feel early in a relationship is different than what we feel later. Early on, love is “passionate,” meaning we have feelings of intense longing for our mate. Longer-term relationships develop “companionate love,” which can be described as a deep affection, and strong feelings of commitment and intimacy.

Where does your relationship land on the spectrum of love? The Passionate Love Scale, developed by Dr. Hatfield, of the University of Hawaii, and Susan Sprecher, a psychology and sociology professor at Illinois State University, can help you gauge the passion level of your relationship. Once you see where you stand, you can start working on injecting more passion into your partnership. Note that while the scale is widely used by relationship researchers who study love, the quiz is by no means the final word on the health of your relationship. Take it for fun and let the questions inspire you to talk to your partner about passion. After all, you never know where the conversation might lead.


For most couples, the more sex they have, the happier the relationship.

How Much Sex Are You Having?

Let’s start with the good news. Committed couples really do have more sex than everyone else. Don’t believe it? While it’s true that single people can regale you with stories of crazy sexual episodes, remember that single people also go through long dry spells. A March 2017 report found that 15 percent of men and 27 percent of women reported they hadn’t had sex in the past year. And 9 percent of men and 18 percent of women say they haven’t had sex in five years. The main factors associated with a sexless life are older age and not being married. So whether you’re having committed or married sex once a week, once a month or just six times a year, the fact is that there’s still someone out there having less sex than you. And if you’re one of those people NOT having sex, this will cheer you up: Americans who are not having sex are just as happy as their sexually-active counterparts.

But Who’s Counting?

Even though most people keep their sex lives private, we do know quite a bit about people’s sex habits. The data come from a variety of sources, including the General Social Survey, which collects information on behavior in the United States, and the International Social Survey Programme, a similar study that collects international data, and additional studies from people who study sex like the famous Kinsey Institute. A recent trend is that sexual frequency is declining among millennials, likely because they are less likely than earlier generations to have steady partners.

Based on that research, here’s some of what we know about sex:

The average adult has sex 54 times a year.
The average sexual encounter lasts about 30 minutes.
About 5 percent of people have sex at least three times a week.
People in their 20s have sex more than 80 times per year.
People in their 40s have sex about 60 times a year.
Sex drops to 20 times per year by age 65.
After the age of 25, sexual frequency declines 3.2 percent annually.
After controlling for age and time period, those born in the 1930s had sex the most often; people born in the 1990s (millennials) had sex the least often.
About 20 percent of people, most of them widows, have been celibate for at least a year.
The typical married person has sex an average of 51 times a year.
“Very Happy” couples have sex, on average, 74 times a year.
Married people under 30 have sex about 112 times a year; single people under 30 have sex about 69 times a year.
Married people in their 40s have sex 69 times a year; single people in their 40s have sex 50 times a year.

Active people have more sex.
People who drink alcohol have 20 percent more sex than teetotalers.
On average, extra education is associated with about a week’s worth of less sex each year.

Early and Often

One of the best ways to make sure your sex life stays robust in a long relationship is to have a lot of sex early in the relationship. A University of Georgia study of more than 90,000 women in 19 countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas found that the longer a couple is married, the less often they have sex, but that the decline appears to be relative to how much sex they were having when they first coupled. Here’s a look at frequency of married sex comparing the first year of marriage with the 10th year of marriage.

What is a Backstreet Relationship in Love and Tips for Living It!

Backstreet Relationship – Backstreet dating is a type of relationship that is usually kept secret from the partner’s parents. This type of dating can be said to be very tiring, because you have to be good at setting the right strategy so that your parents or those around you don’t find out. Then what causes the relationship to be kept secret? Generally parents will provide standards and age limits for their children to establish a relationship.

So, what exactly is meant by a backstreet relationship? Grameds can find the answer in this article. Not only understanding, but tips on maintaining backstreet relationships and the impact of backstreet dating will be discussed in this article.

Understanding Backstreet Relationships

In the early 2000s, there were a number of terms that were often discussed in a romantic relationship. Even though it is one of the most discussed terms, this term was later lost, thus making the current generation confused with the meaning of the term.

One of those love terms is backstreet which was popular in the early 2000s. After discussing about ghosting which was also popular in the early 2000s, backstreet itself is no less horrendous. Then what is the meaning of the word backstreet itself?

Backstreet is a short term for a secret relationship, meaning of course about how someone then keeps a relationship secret so that the relationship can continue as it should. In the past, people usually backstreet from their parents because both parents did not agree with the child’s relationship.

They (lovers) will closely guard the relationship so as not to be found out. In fact, at an extreme level, they will hide this relationship from anyone.

They will limit the habit of greeting each other on social media which is generally done by other couples so that the relationship can run well. This term itself is also in line with the literal meaning of backstreet which means a street or back alley where generally this street is not widely known by other people.

Basically, backstreet itself will be very tiring for couples who live it, because they have to always be alert and can’t be open with other people. They will also be constrained and unable to share the happy moments they have been through.

Many people think that the backstreet as an unsavory way to do. This is because the principle of openness itself in a love relationship is a priority. In addition, couples who have backstreet relationships themselves are prone to problems because they cannot freely find solutions from other people due to the hidden relationship.

This term itself is indeed over time it will fade and become a less popular term. Even so, it’s still not wrong to know, especially of course there are still many who don’t understand this term. So do you understand what a backstreet is?

Reasons Why Someone Has a Backstreet Relationship

Undergoing a secret relationship or dating secretly is certainly not an easy thing. In fact, this method can make a relationship very uncomfortable if maintained for too long. Then, what are the real reasons that then make your boyfriend invite you backstreet?


For someone who is supposed to be serious about education and focused on pursuing achievements, dating then becomes something that is strictly forbidden by the parents of one of the parties. This can then be one of the reasons that make someone reluctant to announce a relationship, especially to their family.

By having a backstreet relationship, he then wants to obey his parents and maybe at this time he is still trying to prove to his family that he is capable of managing his time and still excels even though he already has a partner.

Also Read:

What is a Backstreet Relationship in Love and Tips for Living It!


Boyfriend or best friend are two difficult choices, if we are forced to be able to choose between the two, then someone may feel afraid and not ready to lose their closest friends because of a commitment. This condition can then be one of the reasons why someone has a backstreet relationship.

As new people who are close to boyfriends, we also need time to get close to friends or friends? Hopefully after he involves us more in his environment, the relationship he is in doesn’t have to be backstreet or clandestine.


Backstreet is actually a pretty natural thing to do when dating someone who is popular, why is that? Because there are a lot of fan feelings that need to be taken care of. Most importantly, he also wants to protect us (lovers) from being hurt by people who admire him out of jealousy.

In addition, he did backstreet relationships because he didn’t want anyone else to know about the dating relationship he was in. That way, backstreet relationships can achieve happiness and become lasting.


We are not the only people in the hearts of our partners or those they are approaching. In other words, in one of the partners there is a feeling with the other. Therefore, to cover up the existence of this third person, then someone will have a backstreet relationship.

Therefore, having a third person in a relationship can be one of the reasons for backstreet relationships. In fact, with the presence of this third person, it is possible that one of the parties will be harmed, so that it can cause deep pain.

Tips for Lasting a Backstreet Relationship


For someone who wants to live a backstreet, it’s best to distinguish between friendship and just acquaintances. This needs to be done in order to find friends who can maintain confidentiality. In other words, don’t talk about your boyfriend with people you don’t trust.


Avoid making out anywhere and anytime, so when you’re walking together, you have to look at the situations and conditions when you want to make out. Don’t be seen by gossipers who will then voluntarily share everything, so backstreet relationships don’t last.


In carrying out communication relationships, it is important, including backstreet relationships, so it is very necessary to manage the time of communication. Communication that has been determined, should be made regularly so that dating relationships are still well established. For example, communicating at night or you can also communicate on holidays.

Know What is Possessiveness, A Restraining Trait in Relationships and How to Overcome It – Possessiveness is a negative trait that is often displayed in a romantic relationship. Possessiveness towards a partner will usually only damage or exacerbate a romantic relationship. There are many reasons for a partner to become possessive, such as having trust issues, being jealous, or having low self-esteem.

Possessiveness denotes a manic state of mind in which a person cannot accept sharing the thing or person he is obsessed with. Here, the word ‘mania’ is used because it denotes the extremity of the condition. Possessive nature can be directed at anything, not just limited to humans. This trait is indicated as a weakness.

Possessiveness springs from insecurity and other feelings of doubt. Possession reflects wounded self-esteem and a sense of inferiority. This is a very dangerous emotion, especially in relationships. Because if not controlled, this nature will only bring damage in the end.

Here’s more about what possessiveness is and why this trait will only have a negative impact if it’s not stopped immediately. Complete accompanied by how to deal with what is possessive so you can avoid the danger.

Know What is Possessive

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of what is possessive is to feel like an owner; have jealousy. Possessiveness is an attitude that is shown to control life or dominate something or someone and the feeling of wanting to have a partner excessively.

This attitude can range from passive actions such as feelings of displeasure and annoyance to aggressive actions such as attacking a partner. This could include strict ownership or some other type of relationship to a greater or lesser degree.

Possessive dating can occur when a person is in a position of always wanting to know about their partner and limits every space for their partner to move because of the fear of losing or having a feeling of ‘owning’ that is too high (Fitriani, 2013: 1), as cited in the publication by Udayana University.

According to Goldie (2002), unhealthy and excessive possessiveness involves not only a strong urge to protect loved ones but also a compulsive need to control one’s partner’s thoughts and feelings. In other words, the possessive partner wants to be the only source of happiness for the partner or the relationship and as a result gets angry if the partner has other interests as well.

People with possessive tendencies usually suffer from low self-esteem and therefore tend to be constantly on guard. This is the belief that severe possessiveness can be like a vicious cycle in which the partner will struggle to break free.

As a result, possessiveness makes it more difficult to develop feelings of mutual love. Nelson (1997), who agrees with Hauck and Goldie’s views, states that possessive partners stem from selfish individuals who only care about themselves.

Know What is Possessiveness, A Restraining Trait in Relationships and How to Overcome It

Negative Impact of Possessive Traits

Possessive shows a situation where a person cannot accept to share something with people around him. No one in this world is free from possession because everyone has something in their life but what becomes a problem is when a person starts getting addiction and craving for a thing or even obsession with someone.

Possessiveness can also reflect a person’s weakness. Possessiveness will only cause a lot of emotions such as fear, jealousy, anger and many more. Therefore, people who fall into what is possessive can never stay happy, they are even always and afraid and always feel that they will be abandoned by the people they love.

The negative side of a relationship that has a possessive attitude will have an impact on psychological health, which in turn will lead to violence in dating relationships (Albantani, 2018). This violence can be in the form of verbal violence which can make partners feel depressed as a result of pressure coming from their partners, feelings of disappointment, fear and anger that they cannot express (Luhulima, in Nurhaniyah, 2016: 3).

How to Overcome Possessiveness

You may not notice it right away if your partner is possessive. Even at first, most couples view the early act of possessiveness as sweet attention, and think that their partner is putting your best interests first.

However, these moments can turn toxic over time, so it’s best to stop quickly. Here are some ways to overcome possessiveness that you can try, launching from

1. Forget the past.

2. Don’t overdo it.

The more you worry about your partner not loving you or being honest with you, the more you will push him away. You must have faith that you are loved by your partner because he or she has chosen to be in a relationship with you.

3. Live your own life.

If you have your own job, your own hobbies, and your own social life, you will be a more attractive person to your partner. Spending time together is certainly important, but it’s also nice to spend time apart and have things to share and talk about when you meet.

4. Avoid jealousy.

Jealousy can not only kill a relationship fast, but it will also make you feel bitter and hateful in everyday life. Turn that attitude into something positive by realizing that your partner has chosen you because you are such a great and quality person.

5. Get to know each other’s friends.


The best way not to be jealous is to be familiar with each other’s social environment. If you know who your partner is spending time with, then there will be no reason to worry.

Get to Know the Signs of a Trust Issue and How to Overcome It – Trust issue is a term to describe the feeling of difficulty trusting other people. This can be influenced by several factors, such as trauma or bad experiences in the past, unfavorable relationships with loved ones, or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).


Basically, distrust of other people is normal as long as it doesn’t happen continuously. However, this should be watched out for when these conditions begin to affect quality of life and hinder daily activities.


Let’s look at the following article to understand more about what is meant by a trust issue and how to overcome it.


What are Trust Issues?

Trust issue is a person’s tendency not to trust the people around him. This condition can be shown in various forms of attitude and behavior. Not only always in terms of romance, trust issues can also be related to friendships, family, to the work environment.


People who have a trust issue mean that they don’t easily believe what other people say, and often even feel suspicious that other people approach them because they have a specific purpose. That is why most people with trust issues feel uncomfortable when interacting or relating to other people. They tend to stay away from other people, especially when they feel their relationship is getting closer.


Causes of Trust Issues

Trust issues can be influenced by various factors, such as being betrayed, bad experiences in the past, parenting styles, and so on. The following is an explanation of each.



Everyone has a different experience of betrayal, it could be cheated on, rejected, or lied to. In fact, this betrayal is often accompanied by manipulation to violence. Whatever it is, the experience is certainly so painful that it makes it difficult for someone to trust their new partner or relationship in the future.



Some bad experiences in the past such as accidents, victims of theft, violence, and the loss of loved ones can also cause a person to have trust issues. This may occur as a result of worrying about experiencing the same pain.



Trust issues can also be influenced by parenting styles. Children who are raised in families with parental conflict tend to have a low level of trust in other people, and in some cases this condition can even continue into adulthood.



A social environment that makes a person feel that they are always being rejected, ostracized, or even bullied has a high risk of making that person have a trust issue. People who experience this will always feel insecure so it is difficult to get close to and trust other people, even if people are from different environments.


Basically, trust issues are not a mental disorder. Even so, this condition can appear as a symptom of certain mental health problems. Some of the conditions that can cause a person to have a trust issue are:

Get to Know the Signs of a Trust Issue and How to Overcome It

Anxiety disorder.
Psychotic disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trust Issue Signs

Apart from having difficulty placing trust in other people, the signs that are commonly experienced by owners of trust issues are:


Easily jealous to the point of fear of being abandoned.
Constantly feeling suspicious.
Always assume bad things about others.
Always keep your distance from other people.
It’s hard to forgive and forget other people’s mistakes.
Having excessive worry when in a relationship.

The behaviors above ultimately make people with trust issues become more introverted individuals and tend to isolate themselves, making them feel lonely. In the long term, this will certainly affect the quality of life.


How to Overcome Trust Issues

Trust is one of the important keys in a relationship, be it with family, friends, or partner. To prevent the bad effects of a trust issue in the long term, here are some ways to overcome them.



Before building trust in other people, basically you have to learn to believe in yourself first. Low self-confidence can often be the beginning of a person’s feelings of despair in the process, which can then develop and lead to a condition of trust issues.



One of the most effective ways to deal with trust issues is to slowly build trust in other people, such as friends, family, and partners.


It is true that this is not easy to do, especially in such a short time. But you can learn to trust other people by starting to forgive their mistakes and accept the good things they give. That way, trust will grow by itself slowly.



Lack of communication can also trigger trust issues. Therefore, try to discuss the concerns that you have felt so far, including what made you have a trust issue. That way, other people will understand, so that the relationship that exists will also be healthier.



If you have difficulty eliminating the trust issue, then consulting directly with a psychologist or psychiatrist is the best way to do it.

This is the meaning of commitment in a relationship and tips for maintaining it, Jakarta – Commitment is a form of bond and a necessity so that partners can freely communicate their ideas, feelings and desires. Because, a love relationship is built from two people with different characters and personalities.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain a commitment so that you and your partner can achieve a healthy relationship. So, what does commitment actually mean in a relationship?

The meaning of commitment itself is very broad. For example, the meaning of commitment is a form of belief to stay together in a relationship. However, it is not easy to build a fair commitment in a relationship. The reason is, when it comes to commitment, both you and your partner may not be ready and doubtful.

Tips for Maintaining Commitment with a Partner

Before knowing how to keep commitments, you should know the purpose of building commitments with your partner. Find out more through this article 4 Commitments You Can Work With Your Partner.

Maintaining commitment is having the confidence to dare to dream, plan, and hope to share many things with your partner. This belief does not mean that it will eliminate your freedom or desire personally.

Precisely with commitment, both you and your partner are trying to unite freedom and desire to reach a mutual agreement. Here are some tips on maintaining commitment in relationships that you can try to apply in relationships:


You can achieve great commitment in a relationship by sharing positive experiences with your partner. Do positive activities together like sports, shopping, playing games, or even working together.

You can also re-do special unforgettable activities with your partner, such as having dinner at the same restaurant as the first meeting at that time. This can increase intimacy and affection for each other.


Another tip for keeping commitments is to express love. Tell your partner that you care about them, both with words and actions. Sure, actions will always have more impact than nice words, but that doesn’t mean that verbal caring isn’t important.

Because, words and actions will always go hand in hand. For example, take your partner to the movies, buy flowers or chocolates and tell them that you love them. Let you and your partner know each other care and love.

Apart from giving gifts, there are still many ways to express your love for your partner that you can do. Read the article Not Only Gifts, This Is How to Show Love to Your Partner to find out how.

This is the meaning of commitment in a relationship and tips for maintaining it


Commitment is something that is impossible to form if someone feels that other people do not want or respect him. So, it is important for both partners to feel mutual respect in a relationship.

Give compliments to your partner sincerely and wholeheartedly. By appreciating your partner, you will show trust and affection. This will also increase the partner’s desire to maintain commitment.


The most important aspect of a relationship is communication. Start with simple things like greeting each other every day. This is a simple technique that is quite effective for increasing responsibility in relationships.

You can greet each other when you wake up, or when you meet your partner after work. In addition, it is also important to always communicate openly and honestly. Because, when you and your partner maintain healthy communication, trust in the relationship will be built.


Another tip for keeping commitments is not blaming each other, even if you are really angry with your partner. If necessary, you can give space to your partner to calm each other down.

Wait until you and your partner feel open to listening to each other. Then, you can start communicating with a cool head and look for solutions while preventing similar problems from arising.

Relationships that have responsibility will certainly have clearer goals. So, what is an attached relationship like? You can read it from the Must Know article, These are the Stages of a Committed Relationship.

Indeed, keeping the meaning of commitment is not easy. However, if you and your partner agree to do it together, it certainly won’t be difficult. Apart from that, you also need to know what needs to be done so that you and your partner will last forever.

5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Have Equal Feedback in Relationships – In fact, two people who are in a love relationship should realize that effort or sacrifice is not only made by one person. But there must be good and compact cooperation between two people, so that the relationship continues to work in balance.

It’s not a calculation or not sincere in fighting for a relationship to stay harmonious, but there are many benefits that can actually be obtained from having this commensurate feedback. Therefore, commensurate feedback in relationships is just as important. Why is that? Here are five reasons.

1. So that no party feels less appreciated

For example, all this time you have been in a relationship, but you are the only one who looks or appears to be struggling to make a harmonious relationship. It must have crossed your mind if your partner really doesn’t really care about your efforts and sacrifices.

As a result, you feel that all this time your partner has not appreciated your existence. The only proof is that he hasn’t given adequate feedback or at least he can show that your efforts should be appreciated.

2. There is feedback that is commensurate with evidence that you and your partner play an active role in the relationship

All this time you have tried to be loyal to a relationship, he has also shown his loyalty to you. Well, that is a form of feedback that is commensurate and must exist in a love relationship.

That is, you and your partner both play an active and compact role to maintain the integrity of the relationship. It is this active role that can help your relationship always be harmonious and also have progress, because you and your partner have good cooperation in maintaining a relationship.

5 Reasons Why It's Important to Have Equal Feedback in Relationships

3. Avoiding conflict due to the fact that one party feels that they are always fighting alone

The importance of commensurate feedback in relationships is also to avoid conflicts or misunderstandings. Even though you love your partner very much, but if there is no initiative to show it, then your partner will not be able to feel and know about your heart and your seriousness.

As a result, the partner will feel that he has been fighting alone all this time. Because there is not much effort and proof if you really love your partner. So the possibility for problems and conflicts to arise will be very large because your partner will definitely continue to question your contribution to the relationship so far.

4. You both don’t give up if you feel the relationship is being tested with many problems

When you are both trying to solve a problem, without letting it linger, that is an example if you and your partner don’t want to just give up on what happened.

That’s a sign that you and your partner are trying to provide commensurate feedback. For example, when you two are fighting, you try to give in and calm things down. When the relationship is overwritten by problems or fights again, even the partner will be willing to give in and want to lower his ego so that the fight doesn’t get worse.

5. Make a lasting relationship because both try to give their best

Behind a lasting relationship, of course there are two people who try to give the best according to their abilities. Therefore, a commensurate feedback is very important in relationships.

Because it indicates that there are two people who both want to fight for the relationship and show their maximum effort. So that the relationship can continue to survive because there are two people who consistently provide good things in it.

Have you and your partner both given their best and as much as possible for the relationship? Because having feedback is also one of the reasons why relationships can last a long time and be harmonious.

What Does the Word Break Mean in a Relationship? Beware of Misunderstanding! – ‘Break’ is an English word which, if you look for it in the Translation Dictionary, means that in Indonesian it means to destroy.

Not only that, there are several other meanings of break in Indonesian, namely break, break, crack, break, and several other meanings. However, what is the intended meaning of a break in a love relationship?

The meaning of the word ‘break’
Even though the meaning is destructive, this meaning does not apply to a break in a love relationship.

Break in a love relationship refers more to the meaning of ‘rest’. This means taking a moment or some time to rest yourself and your partner from the relationship.

Break in Amara’s Relationship

Usually breaks are used to both provide space for partners over a longer period of time, for example several days, weeks, or even months, with the aim of self-evaluation and refreshing from a relationship that may not be conducive.

What Does the Word Break Mean in a Relationship? Beware of Misunderstanding!

This decision was taken when both parties still wanted to be together and had hopes of staying in touch, but there needed to be some distance to feel that they needed each other again and to improve themselves.

It’s no wonder that this one decision is usually taken by couples who have been in a relationship for a long time.

Break vs Break Up

Obviously, the difference is that a break doesn’t allow your partner to open up to other people or connect with other people romantically.

Both parties are still in the status of having a partner but the relationship is in break status or taking a short break.

After both decide to break for a certain time, then each partner can decide to continue the relationship or even end it.

In essence, the meaning of a break is usually done to temporarily get out of a problem, although it is not completely able to overcome the existing problem.

So, break doesn’t mean break up! You are still in a relationship with your lover.

What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change? – What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change?

Check out the IPS answer key for class 9 page 149 competency test chapter 2, forms of socio-cultural change and globalization of multiple choice questions.

The following discussion is a guide or answer guide for parents of students and students, who are also expected to explore further related learning materials.

What is the discussion of IPS answer keys for grade 9 junior high school like? Check out the review by UIN Yogyakarta alumni, Muhammad Iqbal, S.Pd.

Socio-cultural changes that occur are driven by several things, for example, such as increasing and decreasing population, new discoveries, conflicts, rebellions, the natural environment, wars and the influence of other communities.

The forms of socio-cultural change are very diverse.
Fast social change, slow social change, planned change, unplanned change, small change and big change.

What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change?

The perceived influence is positive and some is negative.

The positive influences that we can feel from modernization include developments in science and technology, increased effectiveness and efficiency in various fields of life, as well as open information and communication.

Meanwhile, the negative influence of globalization for socio-cultural changes in society is quite large.

These influences include westernization, demoralization, socio-economic inequality, crime, juvenile delinquency, environmental pollution, and high individualism.


The following includes the relationship between social change and cultural change:

A. cultural change is followed by social change

B. social change followed by cultural change

C. Social change is not always followed by cultural change

D. cultural change equals social change

Answer: C. Social change is not always followed by cultural change

Thus the key to the answer to the IPS answer content: What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change? IPS Class 9 Page 149 competency test chapter 2, socio-cultural changes and globalization of multiple choice questions, I hope this is useful.

What kind of relationship can be called a toxic relationship? , Jakarta – Every relationship has its ups and downs and fights. In a healthy relationship, fights must find a way out and be resolved in a good way. A healthy relationship is also characterized by partners discussing issues openly, enjoying each other’s company, and supporting each other’s decisions.

When the fight doesn’t find a bright spot and you don’t feel happiness with your partner, be careful that you might have fallen into a toxic relationship, aka toxic relationship. Toxic relationships that are continuously maintained can actually hurt you and your partner. Be careful, this condition can be bad for your mental health.

Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Launching from Healthline, signs of a toxic relationship can be subtle or very clear. If your partner shows the following signs, it means your relationship has entered the toxic relationship category:

1. Lack of support

The foundation of a healthy relationship is a shared desire to see the partner succeed in all areas of life. If your partner actually sees every achievement as a competition, it means that the situation has turned toxic. When everything becomes a competition, you must feel unsupported by your partner when you want to achieve certain things.

2. Communication is not good

Signs of a toxic relationship are also marked by conversations that only contain sarcasm, criticism, and debate. Over time, communication like this will only lead to fights. In the end, you may want to avoid talking to each other because you are tired of arguing.

3. Excessive jealousy

Jealous with your partner occasionally may be natural. However, if this feeling of jealousy continues for no apparent reason, even to the point of disrupting your life and relationships with close friends or relatives, it means you have entered into a toxic relationship.

4. Controlling behavior

Does your partner often ask your location or how you are all the time? This may be normal for your partner to do to make sure your condition is okay. However, if your partner gets really annoyed when you don’t answer messages or calls right away, be careful, this is one of the early signs of a toxic relationship.

What kind of relationship can be called a toxic relationship?

5. Dishonesty

If you frequently make up lies about your whereabouts to avoid your partner, you may be in a very uncomfortable phase in your relationship. This attitude is usually triggered by the behavior of a partner who likes to control so you don’t have your own space.

6. Always restless

Tension in a relationship that continues to occur can make you nervous at any time. This condition can be an indicator that something is wrong. If persisted, this ongoing anxiety can take a toll on your mental and physical health.

7. Ignore the need

If you always follow whatever your partner wants to do, even though you know it is against your wishes and even ignore your needs, this is a sign of a relationship that has entered a toxic relationship.

8. Keep away from relatives

Another very clear sign of a toxic relationship is the possessiveness of your partner. This possessive attitude can keep you away from friends and family just to avoid conflict with your partner.

9. Lack of self-care

Toxic relationships can also make you neglect self-care that you usually do. You may not have time to do hobbies, neglect your health, and sacrifice your free time just for your partner. If left unchecked, this can stress you out and make you vulnerable to physical and mental problems.

10. Expect partners to change

Not a few people still survive in toxic relationships, because they believe that changing yourself and your actions can also change your partner for the better. In the end, this method will only torture or hurt yourself.

Harmonious Relationships and How to Maintain Them

Finding a life partner is often a long process. Not only is it a match, but often small disputes will backfire for you and your partner. Just like the household, what is difficult is maintaining a relationship so that it remains harmonious and far from being rich and uncomfortable. Actually, how difficult is it to maintain a harmonious relationship in a relationship or household?

Meaning of harmonious relationship

Actually a harmonious relationship is how you maintain your relationship with your partner. Keep giving positive vibes, support each other and have each other. Sometimes, feeling too close or a long relationship makes you underestimate his presence. These things will actually destroy your harmony.

How to maintain a harmonious relationship?

Maintaining what you have earned is also your biggest homework in a relationship or household. There are many ways you can do to defend it, you know, Bela.

1. Understand the business

Understanding and feeling empathy is also one of the keys. Listen to him when he tells the story with full attention and affection. Being a good listener is what he needs, moreover you can actively respond to your partner when they are having trouble with you.

2. Always be respectful

Even if he is your partner, show respect and respect for him. Show him your attitude, he will feel you are a partner who understands and believes in him.

3. Be sincere

Be you as you are, come with sincere intentions without coercing anyone. Give your best attitude for him, this is what will obviously add to your emotional bond with him.

4. Always communicate well

Even though you and he have different environments, sharing or deep talk can also maintain and even add to harmony. Good communication will reflect how you and he feel heard and understood.

5. Supportive

Supporting and helping what he is doing now will make him always eager to progress in the future. There’s nothing wrong with asking every thing your partner is doing.

Things that can damage the harmony of relationships
Some say it is easier to get than to maintain, as that is the meaning of harmony. Maybe in your initial relationship you and your partner were warm or intimacy was always present, but in the past few years everything has diminished. There are even little things that actually reduce the harmony of your relationship.

Harmonious Relationships and How to Maintain Them

1. Don’t care

Caring is not just about helping or doing something. Realize it or not, you sometimes don’t care at the moments your partner needs. For example, your partner comes home from work, you can make him a cup of coffee to spend the night.

2. Monotone

Well, tiring routines sometimes make you and your partner feel bored. If you also continue to be monotonous with him, the saturation in the brain will increase. To reduce it, you can do different things every week, such as cooking together, movie dates, staycations, and even going on vacation together.

3. Demand

A woman certainly wants to always feel cared for, treated special by her partner, but to what extent do you interpret that? Sometimes being treated constantly special makes you forget that it’s beyond reasonable limits and demands more of it to be what you want.

4. Dominant

In a relationship there will be one of you who is more dominant, more often than not a girl. Don’t let your dominant nature make the harmony of your relationship slowly erode, Bela. Complementing each other would be better than being dominant.

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